My Travel blog

Tips, Trips, and Stories From My Worldly Travels
Race To RWC

Race To RWC

The happiest and healthiest of 2019’s to you, your family and friends…may it be a year full of adventure and happiness. As the ‘Fat Kid Diaries’ came about during what turned out to being the most life changing and crazy 27 months of my life cycling through Africa to...

The Longest hole in Golf!

Hi everyone,  When I sent out the last ‘Fat Kid Dairies’ newsletter well over a year ago, post the end of the African bicycle ride, I’d never imagine I’d be sending out another, especially with ‘The Longest Hole in golf’ in the title!  Anyway, I’ve learnt that life’s...

Fat Kid Diary

Fat Kid Diary

In many ways I’ve been dreading penning this final ‘Fat Kid Diary’ entry; it’s an acknowledgement (to myself as much as anyone else) that the adventure I’d dreamt about for so long, and lived over the last 3 years or so is finally over, that the beginning of ‘what...